International Peer-reviewed Publications
§Equal contribution, *Corresponding author
30. A. Barulin, E. Barulin, D. Oh, Y. Jo, H. Park, S. Park, H. Kye, J. Kim, J. Yoo, J. Kim, G. Bak, Y. Kim, H. Kang, Y. Park, J. Park*, J. Rho*, B. Park*, I. Kim*, "Axially multifocal metalens for 3D volumetric photoacoustic imaging of neuromelanin in live brain organoid", Science Advances (2024), In press.
29. L. Zha, S. Shin, C. Kim, J. Park*, B. Park*, "3D bioprinting and label-free imaging: Bridging innovations for organoid research", International Journal of Bioprinting (2024), Accepted.
28. J. Kim, S. Choi, C. Kim, J*. Kim, B. Park*, "Review on Photoacoustic Monitoring after Drug Delivery: From Label-free Biomarkers to Pharmacokinetics Agents", Pharmaceutics (2024), Accepted.
27. M. Wenwen, H. Zixin, L. Zha, S. Dongfeng, G. Zijun, H. Jian, B. Park, W. Yingjian*, "Image-free Hu invariant moment measurement by single-pixel detection", Optics & Laser Technology, 181 (2025): 111581.
26. C. Lee, C. Kim*, B. Park*, "Review of Three-Dimensional Handheld Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging Systems and Their Applications", Sensors, 23.19 (2023): 8149.
25. A. Barulin, H. Park, B. Park*, I. Kim*, "Dual-Wavelength UV-Visible Metalens For Multispectral Photoacoustic Microscopy: A Simulation Study", Photoacoustics (2023): 100545.
24. [H. Lee§, B. Park§], J. Lee, Y. Kang, M. Han, J. Lee*, C. Kim*, W. Kim*, "Transcytosis-Inducing Multifunctional Albumin Nanomedicines with Deep Penetration Ability for Image-Guided Solid Tumor Treatment", Small, Accepted (2023)
23. [J. Yang§, W. Choi§], J. Kim, B. Park*, and C. Kim*, “Recent advances in deep-learning-enhanced photoacoustic imaging,” Advanced Photonics NEXUS, 2.5 (2023) 054001-054001
22. [H. Lee§, W. Choi§], C. Kim, B. Park*, and J. Kim*, “Review on Ultrasound-Guided Photoacoustic Imaging for Complementary Analyses of Biological Systems In Vivo,” Experimental Biology and Medicine, (2023): 15353702231181341 [IF: 4.088]
21. [B. Park§, D. Oh§], J. Kim, C. Kim*, “Functional Photoacoustic Imaging: from Nano- and Micro- to Macro-scale”, Nano Convergence, 10.1 (2023): 29 [IF: 10.038]
20. [Wonseok Choi§, B. Park§], Seongwook Choi, Donghyeon Oh, Jongbeom Kim, C. Kim*, “Recent Advances in Contrast-enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging: Overcoming the Physical and Practical Challenges”, Chemical Reviews, In press (2023) [IF: 72.087]
19. B. Park, C. Kim*, and J. Kim*, “Recent Advances in Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Analysis for Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis”, Advanced Physics Research, 2200070 (2023)
18. [B. Park§, M. Han§, H. Kim§], J. Yoo, D. Oh, S. Moon, J. Ahn, H. G. Lim, I. Kim, H. H. Kim, J. Rho*, and C. Kim*, “Shear-Force Photoacoustic Microscopy: Toward Super-resolution Near-field Imaging”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol. 16, pp. 2200296 (2022) [IF: 10.947] (JCR 5.5% in Optics). Featured in [전자신문] [메디컬투데이]
17. [J. Park, B. Park§], J. Ahn, D. Kim, J. Y. Kim, H. H. Kim*, C. Kim*, “Opto-Ultrasound Biosensor for Wearable and Mobile Devices: Realization with Transparent Ultrasound Transducer”, Biomedical Optics Express, Accepted (2022) [IF: 3.562] (JCR 30.2% in Optics)
16. B. Park, S. Park, J. Kim*, C. Kim*, “Listening to Drug Delivery and Responses via Photoacoustic Imaging”, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Accepted (2022) [IF: 15.47] (JCR 1.27% in Pharmacology).
15. [J. Park§, B. Park§, U. Yong§], J. Ahn, J. Kim, H. Kim, J. Jang*, C. Kim*, “Bi-modal Near-infrared Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging via a Transparent Ultrasound Transducer for Sentinel Lymph Node Localization”, Optics letters, Vol. 47, pp. 393-396 (2022) [IF: 3.776] (JCR 21.72% in Optics).
14. W. Choi, E. Park, S. Jeon, B. Park, J. Ahn, S. Cho, C. Lee, C. Kim*, “3D Multi-structural and Quantitative Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging of the Human Foot In Vivo”, Radiology, In press (2022) [IF: 11.1] (JCR 1.13% in Radiology).
13. [Y. Ding§, B. Park§, J. Ye§], X. Wang, G. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Jiang, M. Han, Y. Fan, J. Song*, C. Kim*, Y. Zhang*, “Surfactant-stripped semiconducting polymeric micelles for tumor theranostics and deep tissue imaging in the NIR-II window”, Small, In press (2021) [IF: 13.281] (JCR 9.83% in Multidisciplinary). Featured in [전자신문] [뉴스데일리] [매일신문] [대경일보]
12. S. Jeon, W. Choi, B. Park, C. Kim*, “A Deep Learning-Based Model That Reduces Speed of Sound Aberrations for Improved In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 30, pp. 8773-8784 (2021) [IF: 10.856] (JCR 3.11% in Engineering and Electrical&Electronic).
11. [B. Park§, M. Han§, J. Park§], T. Kim, H.H. Kim, C. Kim*, “A Photoacoustic Counter Fully Integrated with a Solid-State Dye Laser and Transparent Ultrasound Transducer”, Photoacoustics, Vo. 23, pp. 100290 (2021) [IF: 8.484] (JCR 0.78% in Instruments). Featured in [전자신문] [뉴스데일리] [헬스조선] [경북일보]
10. [S. Cho§, S. Park§, B. Park§], C. Kim, J. Kim*, S. Lee*, C. Kim*, “High-speed photoacoustic microscopy: A review dedicated on light sources”, Photoacoustics, Vol. 24, pp. 100291 2021 [IF: 8.484] (JCR 0.78% in Instruments).
9. [B. Park§, S. Lee§], J. Kwon, W. Kim, S. Jung*, C. Kim*, “Dual-pulse Photoactivated Atomic Force Microscopy of Nanosized Cracks in an Organic Semiconductor Film”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, pp. 17097 (2021) [IF: 4.379] (JCR 22.92% in Multidisciplinary Sciences).
8. [J. Kim§, B. Park§, J. Ha§], I. Steinberg, S. M. Hooper, C. Jeong, E. Park, W. Choi, T. Liang, J. S. Bae, R. Managuli, Y. Kim, S. S. Gambhir, D. Lim*, C. Kim*, “Multiparametric Photoacoustic Analysis of Human Thyroid Cancers In Vivo”, Cancer Research, Vol. 81, pp. 4849-4860 (2021) [IF: 12.701] (JCR 6.82% in Oncology). Featured in [전자신문] [의사신문] [메디컬트리뷴] [메디컬업저버] [메디컬월드뉴스] [한국대학신문] [세계일보] [매일경제]
7. [J. Park§, B. Park§], T.Y. Kim, S. Jung, W.J. Choi, D.H. Yoon, J. Kim, S. Jeon, D. Lee, U. Yong, J. Jang, W.J. Kim, H.K. Kim*, U. Jeong*, H.H. Kim*, C. Kim*, “Quadruple Ultrasound, Photoacoustic, Optical Coherence, and Fluorescence Fusion Imaging with a Transparent Ultrasound Transducer”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Vol.118, pp. e1920879118 (2021) [IF: 11.205] (JCR 10.42% in Multidisciplinary Sciences). Featured in [매일신문] [뉴스데일리] [베리타스알파] [테크월드]
6. [B. Park§, C.H. Bang§, C. Lee§], J.H. Han, W. Choi, J. Kim, G.S. Park, J.W. Rhie, J.H. Lee*, C. Kim*, “3D Wide‐field Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging of Human Melanomas In Vivo: A Pilot Study”, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Vol.35, pp.669-676 (2021) [IF: 6.166] (JCR 9.42% in Dermatology). (selected as the Editor’s Picks).
5. [B. Park§, K.M. Lee§], S. Park, M. Yun, H.-J. Choi, J. Kim, C. Lee, H. Kim*, C. Kim*, “Deep tissue photoacoustic imaging of nickel (II) dithiolene-containing polymeric nanoparticles in the second near-infrared window”, Theranostics, Vol. 10, pp. 2509 (2020) [IF:11.556] (JCR 6.07% in Medicine). (selected as the back cover). Featured in [뉴시스] [베리타스알파] [메디컬투데이]
4. J. Kim, E.-Y. Park, B. Park, W. Choi, K.J. Lee, C. Kim*, "Towards clinical photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging: Probe improvement and real-time graphical user interface", Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 245, pp. 321-329 (2020) [IF: 2.691] (JCR 67.5% in Medicine).
3. B. Park, H. Lee, S. Jeon, J. Ahn, H.H. Kim, C. Kim*, "Reflection‐mode switchable subwavelength Bessel‐beam and Gaussian‐beam photoacoustic microscopy in vivo", Journal of Biophotonics, Vol. 12, pp. e201800215 (2019) [IF: 3.207] (JCR 28.79% in Optics). (selected as the inside cover).
2. [B. Park§, H. Lee§], P.K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, D. Kim, C. Kim, "Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using near-field localization by a plasmonic metal nanoaperture: a simulation study", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 25, pp. 1-7 (2019) [IF: 4.544] (JCR 13.64% in Optics).
1. J. Kim, Y. Kim, B. Park, H.M. Seo, C. Bang, G. Park, Y. Park, J. Rhie, J. Lee*, C. Kim*, "Multispectral ex vivo photoacoustic imaging of cutaneous melanoma for better selection of the excision margin", British Journal of Dermatology, Vol. 179, pp. 780-782 (2018) [IF: 9.302] (JCR 3.62% in Dermatology).